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The Center of Student Diversity and Inclusion

The CSDI is a safe space for marginalized students. It provides queer and multicultural student programming, and is a great place to find peers, resources, and mentorship from staff.

The Open Door Clothes Closet

The ODCC provides free gender-affirming clothing to all students.

Create an appointment at any time, as often as you need.

The Culture Closet

The CC is a free resource for cultural products including hair oil, gel, combs, brushes, braiding hair, durags, and more.

Students can take up to 5 items per semester and can schedule an appointment on Wednesdays 9-11 AM and 4:30-7 PM.


Identity Library

The Identity Library is a collection of books from Miami's library system that include queer topics. It is located in the CSDI on the second floor of Armstrong Student Center.

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